Our Approach

Our Goal

Leading in sustainable development and environmental conservation.

Merdeka understands the impact of mining on the environment. Merdeka’s environmental policies and approaches aim to protect the environment and the environmental impact of mining.

Merdeka commits to sustainably apply effective environmental management practices to understand our environmental risks towards conserving the environment and preventing pollution. We will continue to achieve excellence in our environmental performance and enhance our social license to operate through continual improvement of environmental management system. Our commitment extends to complying with prevailing regulations, licenses and permits, and to fulfill monitoring and reporting obligations.

Merdeka works in accordance with the Law concerning Environmental Management and Protection and its relevant implementing regulations. Environmental management and monitoring are implemented based on the Environmental Management Plan (Rencana Pengelolaan Lingkungan/RKL) and Environmental Monitoring Plan (Rencana Pemantauan Lingkungan/RPL) which are reported each quarter to the Provincial Environmental Agency at each mine site.

We also continuously improve our environmental performance through various initiatives, monitoring efforts, and environmental measurements of potential risks and impacts arising from mining operations.