Health and Safety
Our goal
Everyone safe – always!
Our Approach
Merdeka is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment to prevent occupational accidents or diseasesthrough compliance with our Health & Safety Regulations, Critical Risk Standards, and our Health & Safety Procedures. This can only be achieved through open participation and consultation in the implementation of OHS Management Systems and sustainable development towards improving safety culture, eliminating hazards, and reducing risks.
HSE Targets & Planning
Merdeka is committed to continuously improve Health, Safety and Environment performance through annual performance reviews and planning sessions. Outcomes from these sessions include establishing both the leading and lagging indicators and programs toachieve the set targets.
Occupational Health
Merdeka recognizes that the health and wellbeing of employees is an integral and essential component of our operational business. Merdeka is committed to encouraging healthy lifestyles, promoting and monitoring fit-for-work programs, and providing a work environment that preserves our employee’s health.
Health and Safety Performance
Incident Frequency rates continue to be an important measurement criteria on the effectiveness of the Health and Safety Management System. Merdeka’s target is to have Zero Lost Time Injuries (LTI’s) and to continually reduce the TRIFR year on year. Merdeka’s low incident frequency rates continue to be among the best performing amongst mining industry peers.