Tujuh Bukit Gold is a gold and silver mine located in Banyuwangi Regency, East Java Province.
In 2017, Tujuh Bukit Gold made its first goldpour, following construction of mine infrastructure. The Tujuh Bukit Gold employs open pit mining, followed by ore crushing and agglomerating, stacking of agglomerated ore on the leach pad, leaching of the ore and recovery of gold and silver via an industry standard ADR Gold Processing Plant (Adsorption, Desorption and Recovery). The Tujuh Bukit Gold has expanded its ore processing capacity from the original 4 million tonnes per annum to 8 million tonnes per annum – completed in Q2-2019.
The Tujuh Bukit mine represent a rare opportunity for Merdeka to currently produce oxide gold and silver from heap-leaching process, and at the same time develop porphyry copper gold resources of world-class scale.