Bumi Suksesindo provided Mobile Clinic provides daily health services to 5 villages in Pesanggaran subdistrict, Banyuwangi.

Social Investment

Merdeka is committed to providing benefits to the community, especially those in the mining operation area by synergizing with the local government and the community. The development of the Merdeka community is carried out through the Community Development and Empowerment Program in the three areas of Merdeka’s operations: Banyuwangi Regency, Wetar Island, and Pohuwato Regency.

The Program supports the fields of education, health, increasing real income, economic independence, socio-culture, community participation for sustainable welfare, community institutions, and infrastructure development.

Merdeka’s social investment in 2020 has increased 11.39% compared to 2019, even though the mining industry sector was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic throughout 2020. This was done as a form of Merdeka’s commitment to the community in the mining operation area. The highest contribution to infrastructure and an increase in real income in 2020 is the first step to support community independence and economic progress in the future.