Merdeka Copper Gold has implemented a whistleblowing system, whereby all stakeholders of the Company, including internal parties, could submit grievances or information relating to violation of the Company’s regulation and/or fraudulent activities.The whistleblower can do so without fear of reprisal, intimidation, or punishment. Information obtained from the whistleblowing mechanism will receive the appropriate attention and response, including an impartial investigation to ascertain the validity of allegation, and if so, a just punishment for those found to have committed the transgression. The scope of whistleblowing coverage extends to all violations that may harm the Company, including but not limited to:

  • Unusual/questionable accounting or auditing practices
  • Disclosure matters
  • Internal control lapses or override
  • Insider trading
  • Conflict of interest
  • Serious breaches of Company and Group policies
  • Collusion with competitors
  • Unsafe work practices
  • Any other matters involving fraud, corruption and employee conduct

Whistleblowing shall be made in writing and sent to the Company’s address, citing PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk cq the Board of Commissioners. or sent by e-mail to:

The whistleblowing mail shall include a copy of the submitting person’s identity and the supporting documents pertaining to the transgression.

The Company has appointed the Whistleblowing Team that will be responsible for receiving, investigating and resolving the issue in question. The Team comprises of all members of the Board of Commissioners and the Corporate Secretary. All matters reported will be promptly reviewed within a reasonable time frame, after which a decision shall be made whether to proceed with a detailed investigation and appropriate follow ups thereafter. The Whistleblowing Team has the authority to appoint internal and external parties to perform the investigation, if necessary. All information disclosed during the investigation shall be kept confidential, unless required for further investigation and action taken in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Finally, the Company reserves the right to continue to report alleged violations to the proper authorities, when and if a criminal violation is deemed to have occurred. Reported parties in the whistleblowing system have the right to reply formally to the reported allegation.